Tuesday 5 May 2015

Why is Gold so Important? Significance of this metal in our Society

Gold is a precious metal and always been an object of desire. In India, gold is always considered as a symbol of purity and good fortune. People in India seek out it for personal wealth and security. There are two main factors which are influencing gold prices:
Increasing Demand of Gold: For Indians gold brings blessings, good luck, prosperity and beauty. No wedding and festival is complete without gold and jewellery in India. Though there is a high price, still the demand has not come down. In the Indian society, the tradition of giving gold in marriages is deeply ingrained. So People in India start saving soon after their children are born. India accounts for nearly one-third of the total world demand for gold.
 Inflation: The most popular reason to own gold is as a hedge against inflation. The major cause given for the rising price of gold is inflation that runs rampant amongst the world’s currencies. While gold is not the reason of inflation, gold as a commodity responds to market fluctuations and interest rate changes.
Today’sgold rate in Delhi depends on the demand and availability of the metal. The gold price is changeable in nature but those in commodities market seem to have a better grip on this. The gold is much in demand in metro cities like Delhi and Chennai. These cities are reckoned to be India's densest jewellery hubs.
If you have good market knowledge, you can also do Gold Jewelry Business in India. Even a career in jewellery designing is a rather rewarding profession today. Today people in India have become more aware about the jewellery they wear. Gold jewellery becomes as a style statement and less as an investment. Owing to that there is a great demand for creative hands who can design jewellery as per the different occasions.

If you are looking for a job in jewellery designing or want to get daily updates on gold price stay tuned with free classified web portals like Jagran Classified website. All you have to do is to register yourself and visit these websites regularly. Jagran Classified is a well known free classified website in India where you will get gold rates city wise. To check today’s gold rate inChennai, visit this website now. Apart from this, you will also post or search advertisements based on property, automobiles, matrimony, etc.  Jagran Classified also provides paid services across India. To know more visit its official website now.

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